Operations Manager Statement

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Operation Manager’s Statement

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My vision was to supply smaller more personalized specialist learn to swim centers throughout south east Queensland where we could offer semi private lessons so that your child could get more individual attention. My family have leased public pools and owned indoor heated pools where the atmosphere (humid and odoriferous) and environment (large classes and lots of classes in the pool at any one time) was not ideal to teach children and adults their Personal Aquatic Survival Skills.

In 1973, after twenty six years in the swimming industry, my parents “Bernie” and “Tuppy” Shapland opened the first of these specialised swim schools, (which still operates very successfully), on which all the other Shapland Swim Schools were modelled.

By using franchising as a tool I was able to deliver this dream (smaller more personalised centers) as our franchisees are able to supply the most important ingredients for a successful swim school, stability, 100% commitment and passion for making a difference in childrens lives.

As Operations Manager, I am dedicated to ensuring that every program at every school meets the high standard I set for Shapland Swim Schools.

Chris Shapland

Third Generation Teacher and Coach.
